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Five-year spectrum outlook

Each year we publish our plans to manage spectrum. The five-year spectrum outlook (FYSO) describes the priorities for the next 5 years and our detailed work plan for the coming year.

We’ll publish progress reports to show the status of activities in the most recent FYSO.

Have your say

The draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2025–30 is open for consultation

Current FYSO

Five-year spectrum outlook 2024–29

Previous FYSOs

Five-year spectrum outlook 2023–28

Five-year spectrum outlook 2022–27

Five-year spectrum outlook 2021–26*

Five-year spectrum outlook 202024

Five-year spectrum outlook 2019–23

Five-year spectrum outlook 2018–22

Five-year spectrum outlook 2017–21

How we develop FYSOs

Consultation is an important part of how we develop each FYSO. We invite feedback on the draft of the detailed work plan we will follow for the next 12 months.

Each FYSO aims to follow this timeline:

Period Activity
Quarter 1 We publish a progress report on FYSO activities in the 6 months to 31 December of the previous year.
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 A consultation invites feedback on the draft of the next FYSO.
Quarter 2 We review submissions from industry and the community in response to the consultation on the draft of the next FYSO, and finalise the priorities.
Early Quarter 3 We publish a progress report on FYSO activities in the 12 months to 30 June of that year.
Quarter 3 We publish the next FYSO and a response to submissions to the draft.

* Please note the title reflects that the FYSO 2021–26 covers the full 5 financial years from 2021–22 to 2025–26.

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