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2023–28 five-year spectrum outlook

The Five-year spectrum outlook (FYSO) 2023–28 provides a broad overview of trends that affect spectrum management and factors used to inform the ACMA's planning and spectrum allocation priorities. It covers the 5 financial years from 2023–24 to 2027–28.

The FYSO is a key part of our engagement with industry and the community on our spectrum management priorities.

The FYSO includes a detailed annual work program, with activities and milestones for the 2023–24 financial year. The work program is a requirement under section 28E of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

The FYSO’s focus areas show that we are:

  • continuing to implement planning outcomes for mid-band spectrum in the 3.4–4.0 GHz band to support the deployment of 5G services in Australia
  • advancing a number of bands in the planning process, including adding 3 bands to the preliminary replanning stage: 1.5 GHz, the extended L band (1518–1525 MHz and 1668–1675 MHz) and 1.9 GHz
  • working towards an allocation of 2 GHz mobile satellite service (MSS), with a focus on developing MSS arrangements in the 1980–2005 MHz and 2170–2195 MHz bands
  • progressing activities relating to spectrum licences due to expire between 2028 and 2032
  • completing television technical research and continuing to support radio planning and allocation activity, including radio technology trials
  • supporting the development of Australian positions for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23)
  • giving further consideration to regulatory arrangements for satellite services. This includes direct-to-mobile services, arrangements to support E-band services (71–76/81–86 GHz) on a coordinated basis with point-to-point links, and gateway satellite earth stations in the Q/V band (40–50 GHz)
  • reviewing the information paper, Our approach to radiocommunications licensing and allocation, to ensure it is up to date and continues to be fit for purpose.

FYSO 2023–28: 6-month progress report

Published January 2024

The 6-month progress report shows our progress from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023 in delivering the 2023–24 work program in the FYSO 2023–28.

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FYSO 2023–28: 6-month progress report

FYSO 2023–28: Annual progress report

Published July 2024

The annual progress report describes the status of activities outlined in the FYSO 2023–28, as at 30 June 2024.

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FYSO 2023–28: Annual progress report
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