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FYSO 2018–22 annual progress report


The five-year spectrum outlook (FYSO) annual progress report describes the status of activities outlined in the final FYSO released in September 2018, as at 7 August 2019. The publishing of this information is in line with the ACMA’s stated mission to engage with consumers, industry and government to shape and apply the regulatory framework.

The ACMA is committed to providing regular updates on processes and explanations of changes to its plans. Further updates and next steps for the ACMA’s spectrum management activities will be outlined in the forthcoming final FYSO 2019–23, a draft of which was released for feedback in April this year.

This report consists of nine tables that describe progress in delivering the ACMA’s 2018–19 work program for the period of 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

A small number (12) of scheduled activities were delayed or partially delayed into the new financial year due to further engagement with industry, or necessary reprioritisation. Five of these were completed in Q1 2019–20.

FYSO annual progress report

This report will refer to financial year quarters to align with the references in the FYSO 2018–22.

Table 1: Planning—establishing new planning frameworks

Planning stage

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe



600 MHz


3.3 GHz


4.5 GHz


4.8 GHz


Bands under study at WRC-19 agenda items 1.16 and 1.13

5G bands considered internationally other than under WRC-19 1.13

40–50 GHz

Continue to monitor domestic and international developments in these bands to identify usage trends.


Initial investigation

2 GHz (1980–2010 and 2170–2200 MHz)

Q4: Discussion paper on planning issues to consider in the band.

Completed in Q1 2019–20.

3.8 GHz


Q4: Discussion paper on planning issues to consider in the band.

Completed in Q1 2019–20.

28 GHz

(27.5–29.5 GHz)

Q1: Discussion paper on planning issues to consider in the band.


Extended MSS L-band (1518–1525 and 1668–1675 MHz)

Further consideration deferred until Q3/4 2019–20.

No change to projected timeframe.

Preliminary replanning

26 GHz

(24.25–27.5 GHz)

Q1: Consult on frequency, area and licensing configuration options.


1.5 GHz

(1427–1518 MHz)

Further consideration (including a possible options paper) deferred until Q3/4 2019–20.

No change to projected timeframe.


5.6 GHz (parts of 5600–5650 MHz)

Q2: Progress technical coordination rules and allocation arrangements for site-based point-to-multipoint uses outside of metropolitan areas, including for the transition of services from the 3.6 GHz to the 5.6 GHz band, where possible.


850 MHz expansion band (809–824 MHz and 854–869 MHz)

Decision paper outlined transition milestones for incumbent services making way for new mobile broadband. Allocation timeframes tied to those of the 900 MHz band (assuming 900 MHz is ultimately reallocated).


900 MHz (890–915 MHz and 935–960 MHz)

Considering options for timing of band reorganisation, including potential clearance and reallocation processes.


Table 2: Planning—optimising established planning frameworks

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Make final decisions on LAP variations for AM to FM conversion in Burnie, Devonport, Queenstown and Scottsdale.

Q1, Q2


Burnie, Devonport, and Queenstown completed.

Scottsdale completed in Q1 2019–20.

Develop and consult on proposals for AM to FM conversion for Lithgow, Bega, Cooma, Goulburn and Nowra.


Partially complete.

Bega, Cooma and Goulburn completed.

Lithgow and Nowra have both been delayed due to further engagement with industry.

Further consider whether variations to the Brisbane digital radio channel plan are appropriate to improve digital coverage.


Delayed due to further engagement with industry.

Following completion of digital radio allotment planning, consult on a variation to the Canberra digital radio channel plan that would allow a power increase.



Complete engineering and consult on over 15 new digital radio channel plans for the next-mover DAB+ markets.


Partially complete.

Allotment planning completed.

Digital radio channel plan for Mandurah made.

Progress in other markets subject to licensee agreement.

Develop and consult on the potential for re‑planning analog radio services in Perth, following the clearance of Band II TV in Bunbury.


Partially complete.

ACMA engineering work completed.

Earth stations—codify frequency coordination of earth stations with point-to-point links (in the 6 and 6.7 GHz bands).


Consultations completed.

Space objects:

Finalise changes to Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence 2015 and Radiocommunications (Foreign Space Objects) Determination 2014.



Consider feasibility of inclusion of 10.7–11.7 GHz in Communications Space Objects Class Licence.


Completed in Q1 2019–20.

ESIMs—review regulatory arrangements for earth stations in motion (ESIM) in Ku-band.



Regulatory arrangements: General review of licensing procedures for space-based communications systems.


Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.   

Commence update of regulatory arrangements for small satellites.


Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.

Consider applications for test and demonstration purposes in the 2 GHz band.



Manage filing and coordination of Australian satellite systems.



Consultation on proposed update of the LIPD to respond to industry requests.



Facilitation of early access to the 928–935 MHz band for low-power wide-area IoT applications.



Table 3: Major price-based allocations

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


3.6 GHz

Q4 2017–18: Final applicant information package released

Q2 2018–19 (November): Auction commences


26 GHz

Q3/4 2018–19: ACMA planning decision*

Q1 2019–20: Reallocation recommendation


No change to projected timeframe.

850/900 MHz

Q2 2018–19: Configuration options decision

Completed in Q4 2018–19.

1.5 GHz

Q3 2020–21: ACMA planning decision

No change to projected timeframe.

*Based on scenario 1 in the 2018–22 FYSO forward allocation work plan.

Table 4: Regulatory review and reform (Spectrum Review implementation)

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Annual work program

Q1: Publish final program

Q4: Consult on draft work program


Pricing review implementation

Consult on revised arrangements following the release of second Exposure Draft Radiocommunications Bill package

Consultation on revised arrangements planned for Q2 2019-20 (this work can progress without legislative change).

Note: Government is considering its approach to radiocommunications regulatory reform. Throughout the 2018-19 year the ACMA provided advice to DoCA reform issues.

Table 5: Licensing

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Mobile phone jammer regulatory arrangements

Q1: Review of instruments due to expire in November 2018

Completed in Q2 2018–19.

Body scanners in airports

Q1: Finalise consultations and consider changes to the current applicable licensing during 2018–19


Renew amateur certificates of proficiency arrangements Q2: Finalise arrangements for certificates of proficiency before expiry of the current deed with WIA (February 2019)  Completed. 
Consideration of changes to amateur licence conditions  2018–19  Consultation completed in Q1 2019-20.
VHF marine radio use  Q4: Consider changes to the channels specified for maritime radio   Completed. 

Table 6: Pricing

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Commercial broadcasting tax arrangements

Q1: First tax assessment


Preparation for review of Commercial Broadcasting (Tax) Act 2017

Q4: Information to be issued about planned arrangements for the review required to be conducted after 1 July 2019

Delayed to allow for further consideration of the scope of the review.

400 MHz opportunity-cost pricing Continued monitoring of band use Ongoing.
Apparatus licence taxes Annual updates for CPI from 5 April each year Completed.
Spectrum licence taxes Q1: Adjustments for new spectrum-licensed bands Completed.

Table 7: Compliance and enforcement

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Audit of mobile handset compliance outcomes

Q1: Report publication

Completed in Q3 2018–19.

Gold Coast Commonwealth Games readiness priority compliance area

Q1: Report publication

Completed in Q3 2018–19.

Table 8: International engagement

Project priorities

FYSO timeframe


Fourth meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group (Asia Pacific) for WRC-19 (APG 19-4)

Q3 (7–12 January 2019)


Second Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-19 (CPM 19-2)

Q3 (18–28 February 2019)


Table 9: Consultation plans


FYSO timeframe


28 GHz discussion paper

Q1 2018–19


26 GHz options paper

Q1 2018–19


3.7–4.2 GHz discussion paper

Q4 2018–19

Completed in Q1 2019–20.

Four DRCPs for

12–14 licence areas

Q2 2018–19

Partially complete.

Mandurah digital radio channel plan made.

Other licence areas to proceed subject to licensee agreement.

Consider AM–FM conversion proposals in five NSW areas

Q2 2018–19

Partially complete.

Bega, Cooma and Goulburn completed.

Lithgow and Nowra have both been delayed due to further engagement with industry.

Spectrum arrangements for small satellites

Q3 2018–19

Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.

Space-based comms—update (CSO Class Licence and FSO Determination)

Q1 2018–19


General review of space licensing procedures consultation paper

Q2 2018–19

Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.

2 GHz (1980–2010 and 2170–2200 MHz discussion paper)

Q4 2018–19

Completed in Q1 2019–20.

3.4–3.575 GHz Reconfiguration Options discussion paper

Q3 2018–19

Completed in Q4 2018–19.

ESIM in the Ku-band

Q3 2018–19


Consider feasibility of inclusion of 10.7–11.7 GHz in Communications Space Objects Class Licence

Q4 2018–19

Completed in Q1 2019–20.

Frequency coordination requirements review work program

Q1 2018–19: Finalised work program following consideration of industry submissions. Future consultations in accordance with finalised work program


850/900 MHz planning decision

Q2 2018–19


Consideration of changes to amateur licence conditions



VHF marine radio channels—consider changes



Drone regulation

Q2 2018–19


400 MHz OC pricing information paper

Q3 2018–19

No publication currently projected.

It is expected that publication and consultation on monitoring will only occur if there is anecdotal evidence suggesting that demand is increasing and there is congestion in the band; this is not the case currently. Monitoring will be on a semi-regular basis.

Short range devices/ITS standard

Q2 2018–19: Completion of consultation started 4 July


VHF radiotelephone equipment—maritime mobile services

Q1 2018–19

Completed in Q2 2018–19.

Brisbane analog LAP variation

Q3 2018–19

Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.

Regional Queensland LAP variations

Q3 2018–19

Consultation completed.

RFT for spectrum licensing business systems

Q1 2018–19

Delayed subject to Government consideration of its approach to radiocommunications regulatory reform.

Set digital radio start date for Canberra, Darwin and Hobart

Q2 2018–19


Digital radio start-up days declared for Hobart and Darwin.

Declaration of digital radio start-up day for Canberra completed in Q1 2019–20.

Finalising digital radio allotment plans for Tranche 2 (Western Australia, South Australia and north Queensland)

Q1 2018–19

Completed in Q2 2018–19.

Canberra DRCP power increase

Q2 2018–19

Completed in Q3 2018–19.

Make over 15 new digital radio channel plans for the next-mover DAB+ markets

Q2 2018–19

Partially complete.

Allotment planning completed.

Digital radio channel plan for Mandurah made.

Progress in other markets subject to licensee agreement.

Options for re-planning radio services in Perth, following the clearance of Band II TV in Bunbury

Q2 2018–19

Partially complete.

ACMA engineering work completed.

1710–1785/1805–1880 MHz (1800 MHz) in remote areas discussion paper

Q4 2018–19

Delayed due to necessary reprioritisation.

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