It shows our plans for meeting spectrum demand and ways we can improve how we manage Australia’s spectrum.
The Addendum to FYSO 2020–24 provides the ACMA’s response to submissions received to the draft FYSO 2020–24.
FYSO 2020–24: 6-month progress report
The 6-month progress report shows our progress in delivering the 2020–21 work program in the FYSO 2020–24, from 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020.
Update to the 2020–21 annual work program in the FYSO 2020–24
In December 2020, the Radiocommunications Legislation Amendment (Reform and Modernisation) Act 2020 (the Modernisation Act) received Royal assent.
The Update to the 2020–21 annual work program in the FYSO 2020–24 outlines the key implementation activities from the Modernisation Act to be completed this financial year. The Modernisation Act will come into force on 17 June 2021 to give spectrum users time to adjust to the new regulatory framework.
FYSO 2020–24: annual progress report
The annual progress report describes the status of activities outlined in the FYSO 2020–24, at 30 June 2021.