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Eligible revenue portal

Eligible revenue submissions are made to us through the TELLER eligible revenue portal.

The TELLER eligible revenue portal assists the industry by streamlining the regulatory compliance process and allows carriers to submit their revenue information to the ACMA.  

Who is required to report eligible revenue?

Each telecommunications carrier licence holder (carrier) that held a carrier licence at any time during the 2023–24 financial year (1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024) must report eligible revenue information to us by 31 October 2024.

Reporting requirements are based on whether a carrier is either:

See also: 

Accessing TELLER

Participating persons are now required to use a myID to access the TELLER portal to submit their eligible revenue returns.

More information on how to access TELLER with myID.

Once you have registered for myID, you can access TELLER. You will receive an ‘authentication code’ on your device. Enter the code when directed to the authentication page. After this, you will be redirected to TELLER.

If you are accessing the TELLER portal for the first time, you will need to obtain a ‘one-time token’ from the ACMA by contacting our revenue assurance team on (02) 6219 5355 or

How do I get access to TELLER?

Non-participating persons

If your revenue is less than the AUD $25 million revenue threshold for the eligible revenue period, you will not be required to have a myID to access the TELLER.

Participating persons

If your revenue is AUD $25 million or above the revenue threshold for the eligible revenue period, you will be required to have a myID to access the TELLER. The first time you are accessing the TELLER, you’ll be required to enter a one-time token.

Lodging an eligible revenue submission using TELLER

To make an online eligible revenue submission on TELLER, you must have access to the system. For information on how to obtain your access, please refer to the eligible revenue submission handbook.

By clicking the buttons below to log into TELLER, you are agreeing to the TELLER terms and conditions for use

Participating person

If your revenue is AUD $25m or above the revenue threshold for the eligible revenue period, you are required to provide a return by completing the eligible revenue submission form in TELLER and provide the following information to the ACMA by 31 October 2024:

  • supporting documents such as financial statements on which the return is based, including copies of the financial statements of the declared related parties
  • an outline of your business structure.

The ACMA may request carriers to provide supporting evidence to substantiate claims made in an eligible revenue return.

Access ER portal at or above 25 Million

Non-participating person

If your revenue is below the AUD $25m revenue threshold for the eligible revenue period, you are required to lodge an eligible revenue submission form in TELLER and provide an eligible statutory declaration (ESD) to the ACMA by 31 October 2024.

Please download and complete the ESD template prior to submitting it in TELLER.

Please note, as part of the Telecommunications monitoring framework for non–participating persons, we may request carriers to provide supporting evidence to substantiate the claim made on the ESD to ensure that there is a fair assessment of a carrier's revenue. Therefore, carriers are encouraged to complete the revenue calculation either in TELLER or alternatively upload supporting documents onto TELLER together with their ESD.

Access ER ports below 25 million

If you are unable to make an online eligible revenue submission using TELLER, please contact the revenue assurance team on (02) 6219 5355 or email

Useful information

For participating and non-participating persons Eligible revenue submission handbook
For non-participating persons
26.61 KB
Eligible revenue calculation

Telecommunications monitoring framework – for non–participating person

TELLER quick guides

TELLER information

Completing an online submission for a carrier with eligible revenue less than AUD $25 million - for non-participating persons

1.09 MB
TELLER quick guide – Eligible revenue less than AUD $25m

Completing an online submission for a carrier with eligible revenue AUD $25 million or above - for participating persons

1.74 MB
TELLER quick guide – Eligible revenue AUD $25m or more


Other references

Eligible revenue reporting

97.64 KB
Related parties for eligible revenue reporting

Authorised Contact Registration form – Telecommunications

Other information


Licensed telecommunications carriers

Previous TIL Documents

You can view telecommunications funding instruments and assessments for previous eligible levy periods on our website.

Release of information provided to the ACMA

The ACMA may be required to release information contained in eligible revenue returns and accompanying documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 or for other reasons including for the purpose of parliamentary processes or where otherwise required by law (for example, a court subpoena). While the ACMA seeks to consult with submitters of confidential information before that information is provided to another party, we cannot guarantee that confidential information will not be released through these or other legal means.

Sharing of information

Under the Australian Communications and Media Authority Act 2005, the ACMA may disclose certain information to the Minister for Communications, authorised officials of the Department of Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts, Royal Commissions, and other Commonwealth authorities as required.

How do I obtain further information?

For further information, please contact the revenue assurance team by email or phone (02) 6219 5355.

Next up: TELLER and myID
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