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Class licences

A class licence lets you operate common radio equipment on shared frequencies. You don't need to apply for a class licence or pay any fees.

What a class licence is for

There are 17 class licences covering a range of equipment and devices.

Each class licence sets out:

  • what equipment you can use
  • the frequency range to use
  • the rules for using it.

You do not need to apply for a class licence or pay any fees.

You may need an apparatus licence instead if you:

  • want to use equipment in a way the class licence does not allow
  • need an assigned licence.

Class licences you can operate under

You must follow the rules of the class licence to use the equipment.

27 MHz handphone stations

Use a 27 MHz handphone station.

Aircraft and aeronautical mobile stations 

Use mobile radio equipment on or near an aircraft.

Amateur stations 

For amateur/hobby radio operators. 

Body scanners 

For trained people who use body scanners at Australian airports.

Cellular mobile telecom devices 

Use devices that communicate with a licensed PTS base station.

Citizen band radio stations 

Use CB radio to communicate over short distances.

Communication with a space object 

Operate earth stations that communicate with a licensed space station.

Cordless communications devices

Use certain cordless devices.

Emergency locating devices 

To help search and rescue groups find survivors.

Intelligent transport systems 

Wireless technology for vehicles and traffic systems.

Low interference potential devices (LIPD)

Use a range of low power radiocommunications devices.

Maritime ship station – 27 MHz and VHF 

Lets qualified people use marine radio equipment on certain frequencies.

Outpost stations

Use stations (that are not base stations) in remote locations to provide emergency medical aid.

Public safety and emergency response

Only for public safety agencies.

Radio-controlled models 

Use a device that controls a model plane, train, car or boat.

Radio navigation satellite service 

Use GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers.

Scientific stations

Operating a station for general scientific activities.

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