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Proposed changes to the Telecommunications numbering charge instruments

We want to remake 3 numbering charges instruments with minor changes including simplifying provisions and proposing charges for new number types in the draft Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2025.

Closing in 32 days (24 January 2025)
In progress
  • 1

    Consultation opens

    16 Dec 2024
  • 2

    Consultation closes

    24 Jan 2025

Key documents

The issue

The following determinations are due to sunset in 2025: 

This is an automatic occurrence where legislation is reviewed, remade with updates (if needed), or retired (allowed to ‘sunset’).

These instruments set charges for numbers, and outline the annual revenue target, how the Annual Numbering Charge (ANC) is calculated, the collection date for the ANC and the calculation for late payment penalties. 

We are proposing changes to the instruments to support upcoming changes to the Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2025. The proposed changes include: 

  • introducing and recommending ANC charges for new number types 
  • clarifying how to apply to have late payment penalties reviewed.

Following a targeted consultation process, we have remade draft instruments for comment. The accompanying consultation paper sets out the stakeholder feedback we received and our proposed changes under the new instruments. 

Drafts of the new instruments we propose to remake, and a consultation paper with full details of how to make a submission are available in the ‘key documents’ box. 

While not specifically included in this review (as it is not due to sunset), the Telecommunications (Charges) Determination 2022 requires minor amendments to update references to the draft Telecommunications Numbering Plan 2025. These amendments are marked up in the determination available above.

Have your say

We welcome comment from interested stakeholders on the draft instruments. 

After the consultation closes, we will open a short reply-to-comment period, where stakeholders can comment on submissions received. 

Publication of submissions

Read about the ACMA’s policy regarding the publication of submissions.

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