- 1Consultation opened03 May 2024
- 2Consultation closed31 May 2024
- 3Outcome and submissions published30 Aug 2024
Key documents
On 3 July 2024, the Minister for Communications approved the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement: Fees for radiocommunications, telecommunications and broadcasting services, budget year 2024–25 (the Fees CRIS). These fees are effective 1 September 2024.
We received 2 submissions – from Commercial Radio and Audio and Free TV Australia – on the proposed increase to the existing charge for processing an application (under section 46 of the Broadcasting Services Act). You can access these submissions below. We have also published a summary of the feedback on pages 87–88 of the Fees CRIS.
After considering the submissions and concerns raised by industry on the proposed increased charge, we have agreed to maintain the 2023–24 charge of $202.
Some other key changes include introducing fees for:
- Services relating to the banned equipment innovation and industry development framework.
- Applications for the re-assignment of certain call signs that have been assigned for a limited period. This also includes the transfer of call signs. This supports call sign arrangements set out in the Radiocommunications (Amateur Stations) Class Licence 2023.
Previous consultation: The issue
Under the Australian Government Charging Framework, we are required to charge fees to recover the costs of our products and services.
We are consulting on charges for the following activities and services:
- radiocommunications
- telecommunications
- broadcasting.
There are some new charges relating to:
- Our innovation and industry development framework. The charges relate to giving written permission to a person under section 193 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
- Applications for the re-assignment of certain call signs that we have only assigned for a limited period.
- Applications for the transfer of call signs.
We are also proposing changes to some existing radiocommunications and broadcasting charges.
You can find more information in our Draft 2024–25 fees for service cost recovery implementation statement and consultation paper in the key documents section.