- 1Consultation opened16 Aug 2023
- 2Consultation closed20 Sep 2023
- 3Reply to comment period opened28 Sep 2023
- 4Reply to comment period closed25 Oct 2023
- 5Outcome and reply to comment submissions published20 Dec 2023
Key documents
We have developed spectrum arrangements in the 1.5 GHz extended MSS L-band. This will allow MSS operation in the 1518–1525 MHz and 1668–1675 MHz frequency ranges. There are no changes to incumbent licences and services.
You can view the outcomes paper in the key documents box above.
Next steps
The next stage of the 1.5 GHz review will involve a review of terrestrial services in the 1427–1535 MHz frequency range. This review will not consider changes to arrangements for radioastronomy or meteorological services operating in and adjacent to the 1.5 GHz band. We will continue to provide protection to these services.
Please email any enquiries to freqplan@acma.gov.au.
Reply to comment period: Feedback on submissions to the options paper
The reply to comment period for the Review of the 1.5 GHz band: Extended MSS L-band options paper has closed. One submission was received and is available below.
Please note: The reply to comment period is for stakeholders to comment on submissions made by other entities. It is not intended for new submissions to the options paper itself.
Previous consultation: The issue
There has been growing interest in the 1427–1518 MHz, 1518–1525 MHz and 1668–1675 MHz frequency ranges (collectively referred to as the 1.5 GHz band) to provide support for new services, including wireless broadband and mobile satellite services. In response to these developments, in May 2022, the ACMA released the Review of the 1.5 GHz band discussion paper.
Following on from that consultation, we are now seeking feedback on options to support use of the 1518–1525 MHz and 1668–1675 MHz frequency ranges (commonly referred to as the extended L-band) by mobile satellite services. We are also considering an expedited process to implement these arrangements by also consulting on the necessary amendments to the Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence 2015.
A Notice about these proposed changes to the class licence has been published under section 136 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992 in the Government Gazette and is also available in the key documents box.