- 1Consultation opened29 Mar 2023
- 2Consultation closed12 May 2023
- 3Outcome and submissions published03 Oct 2023
Key documents
We wish to thank all submitters to the consultation. Submissions can be viewed at the bottom of this page. Feedback was used to inform the final FYSO 2023–28. View the FYSO 2023–28 and our response to submissions.
Original consultation: Summary
On 14 April, we extended the submission deadline. The consultation now closes at COB Friday, 12 May 2023.
The draft Five-year spectrum outlook (FYSO) 2023–28* provides a broad overview of trends that affect spectrum management and factors used to inform the ACMA's planning and spectrum allocation priorities.
The draft FYSO is a key part of our engagement with industry and the community on our spectrum management priorities.
The draft FYSO includes a detailed annual work program, with activities and milestones for the 2023–24 financial year. The work program is a requirement under section 28E of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.
The draft FYSO’s focus areas show that we are:
- continuing to implement planning outcomes for mid-band spectrum in the 3.4–4.0 GHz band to support the deployment of 5G services in Australia
- advancing a number of bands in the planning process, including adding 3 bands to the preliminary replanning stage: 1.5 GHz, the extended L-band (1518–1525 MHz and 1668–1675 MHz) and 1.9 GHz
- gauging interest in the use of spectrum in the 2 GHz band for deploying MSS, and the availability of equipment to allow deployment to occur
- progressing activities relating to spectrum licences due to expire between 2028 and 2032
- completing television technical research and continuing to support radio planning and allocation activity, including radio technology trials.
We expect to publish the final FYSO 2023–28 in the first quarter of the 2023–24 financial year.
Have your say
We invite feedback on the draft Five-year spectrum outlook 2023–28.

* The draft FYSO 2023–28 covers the 5 financial years from 2023–24 to 2027–28.