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Apply for high-power open narrowcasting licences

The allocation of the Gosford and Hobart high-power open narrowcasting licences (HPONs) under s.34 of the Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Power Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2014 (the Allocation Determination) has concluded.


As we received only one application for the Gosford HPON (747 kHz), it was allocated at the reserve price of $4,000 to L & T Nominees Pty Ltd under Part 5 of the Allocation Determination.


We received 8 applications for the Hobart HPON (104.3 MHz), which was allocated at an auction (or ‘licence allocation exercise’) under Part 4 of the Allocation Determination. The auction took place online on 31 August 2021. The Hobart HPON was allocated to United Christian Broadcasters Australia Limited for the bid price of $855,000.

The ACMA invites applications for the following transmitter licences to provide HPON services:

State Location  Frequency



747 kHz



104.3 MHz

We must receive applications by 5pm (AEDT) on Friday 23 July 2021.

The ACMA keeps a register of section 34 determinations for the Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Powered Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2014 (the Allocation Determination). Section 34 determinations make radiofrequency spectrum available for open narrowcasting services.


We will issue the transmitter licences under the price-based allocation system set out in the Allocation Determination made under section 106 of the Radiocommunications Act 1992.

If the ACMA receives more than one application for a HPON licence, we will issue that licence to the highest bidder at an auction (or ‘licence allocation exercise’). The ACMA will notify applicants for HPON licences of the date of the auction at least 10 calendar days before the auction.

If the ACMA receives only one application for a HPON licence, we will issue that licence to the applicant for the reserve price of $4000.

How to take part

You should download:

  • The information paper. This includes information about the allocation process, conditions and technical specifications.
126 KB
HPON applicant information package
  • The registration forms. This includes the Form of Application, Form of Indemnity and Guarantee, and Form of Authority.
201.5 KB
HPON registration documents

Applicants must submit the following completed forms, and pay a non-refundable application fee of $837.00, to us by 5pm (AEDT) on Friday 23 July 2021:

  • Form of Application
  • Form of Indemnity and Guarantee
  • Form(s) of Authority, if a company or an incorporated association. Individuals may authorise an agent to represent them.

If you are applying for both licences, you must submit a separate registration form package and application fee for each licence.

You can send applications by:

  • Email:
  • Mail: ACMA, HPON Allocations, Licence Allocation Section, PO Box 78,

    Belconnen, ACT 2616
  • Courier or express post: ACMA, HPON Allocations, Licence Allocation Section,

    Red Building, Benjamin Offices, Chan St, Belconnen, ACT 2617

Applications must be marked with the words ‘HPON Allocation’ in the email subject line or on the envelope.

The non-refundable application fee of $837.00 is payable by:

  • bank cheque in Australian currency, drawn on a bank licensed in Australia, and made payable to the Australian Communications and Media Authority
  • by Electric Funds Transfer, please contact the Customer Service Centre for further information

You can direct any questions to the ACMA Customer Service Centre on 1300 850 115, or by email to

Register of section 34 determinations

This register is maintained under section 7 of the Radiocommunications (Allocation of Transmitter Licences – High Powered Open Narrowcasting Licences) Determination 2014.

Date determination or variation was made


Geographic area

Period specified in Determination

10 March 2020

747 kHz


10 March 2020 to

31 December 2026

10 March 2020

104.3 MHz


10 March 2020 to 

31 December 2026

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