About VAST
VAST is funded by the Australian Government. It gives people who may not be able to receive ‘regular’ TV services access to free-to-air TV or radio services by satellite.
You can access channels on VAST for free if you:
- meet the VAST eligibility test
- have the right equipment - please note you’ll have to supply this equipment yourself.
Our role
We do not:
- take applications for VAST
- decide who gets VAST.
We do:
- examine any formal complaints against the VAST administrator that gives access to VAST.
Applying for VAST access at home
- Go to VAST administrator’s website at MySatTV and select ‘Satellite Decoder Online Registration’. This will take you to the mySwitch website.
- In the mySwitch website, type in your address and select ‘Get Info’.
- Select ‘Satellite Summary VAST’.
- Follow the steps to apply.
Getting VAST as you travel
- Go to VAST administrator’s website at MySatTV.
- Follow the 'Traveller's Registration' steps.
We recommend you keep a copy of your application.
Fixing problems with your satellite TV
If you have trouble receiving VAST you can:
- check the mysattv troubleshooting page
- email the VAST administrator at vast.administration@mysattv.com.au
- call the VAST administrator on 1300 993 376.
Complaints about your VAST application
We can look into your complaint about applying for VAST access if the VAST administrator:
- refused your application
- approved your access to VAST but later took away approval
- did not decide on your application within 15 business days.
If you decide to complain, please provide us with the following information:
- your name and contact information (email, telephone and postal mail)
- the address at which VAST services were requested
- a copy of the Rejection letter/email from the VAST administrator.
You can make a complaint by:
- email at info@acma.gov.au and typing 'Satellite TV complaint' in the email subject field
- post at:
Satellite TV Complaint
Australian Communications and Media Authority
PO Box 78
Belconnen ACT 2616 - fax to (02) 6219 5347
We may:
- provide the VAST administrator with details of your complaint
- collect evidence from the VAST administrator
- ask you for more information.