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Update your licensee details

Tell us if your contact details change, or you want to update information on your radio licence.

Update your contact details

You should update us on changes to your:

  • name
  • address
  • phone number

You will need your customer ID to request a change.

Update your contact details online.

We will tell you that we have received your request and give you a reference number. Keep this reference number in case you need to contact us.

Ask us to correct an error

If there is an error on the register of radcomms licences, you can ask us to correct it.

This includes:

  • misspelling personal details
  • information that is different to what was on your licence application

Apply to correct details on the licence register (R068 form).

Change conditions on your licence

You need to ask us if you want to change conditions on your licence.

This could include:

  • moving equipment
  • using a different frequency
  • other technical changes

In some circumstances, we may not allow the changes. We make these decisions on an individual bases.

Apply to change your licence conditions using the form for the appropriate licence type.

Faster notices

Get your notices faster by email. To switch from mail to email, contact us at

Ask for help

If you need help with our online forms, contact us.

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