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Spectrum licence technical framework review

The spectrum licence technical framework review examines the arrangements in bands below 6 GHz that are already subject to spectrum licensing.

A review of these arrangements will ensure they are efficient and can cater for new technology such as 5G and active antenna systems (AAS).

We have identified several technical aspects within these bands that we would need consider in a review – for example, unwanted (or out-of-band) emissions, device boundary criteria and maximum power levels).

The bands we will review are:

  • 700 MHz
  • 800 MHz
  • 1800 MHz
  • 2 GHz
  • 2.3 GHz
  • 2.6 GHz
  • 3.4 GHz

Based on industry feedback, we will review these bands in the order identified in the table below.

The review of each technical framework may require:

  • A technical liaison group to conduct studies and/or provide advice on proposed changes.
  • Public consultation to allow stakeholders to provide their views before we make a decision.

The ACMA will consider the best approach to take on a band-by-band basis.

Band Status Expected completion
3.4 GHz Completed Completed
2.3 GHz Completed Completed
1800 MHz Completed Completed
800 MHz Completed Completed
2 GHz Under consultation Q1 2023
700 MHz Work expected to commence Q1 2023 TBD

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