A mobile premium service may be either:
- a premium messaging service
- a premium direct billing service
- a proprietary network service
Mobile premium services provide content such as:
- ringtones
- online games
- chat services
- horoscopes
- content for people over the age of 18
The Mobile Premium Services Code contains the rules to operate a premium content service, including:
- what you must tell customers when you advertise the service
- how the costs of services are capped and how a customer can change the cap
- details on how to opt out or cancel a subscription
Under the code, you must resolve customer complaints. If the customer is not happy with your response, you must refer them to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).
Our role is to check and ensure content service providers comply with the code. We identify:
- potential breaches of the code
- recurring and systemic problems with services
- the providers responsible for services with high levels of complaints