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Reconnecting the Customer: Estimation of benefits

We undertook a benefits assessment to provide a further perspective on the assessment of the Reconnecting the Customer inquiry outcomes, including the TCP Code interventions. This research report looks at the results of that assessment.

It is widely acknowledged that there have been significant improvements in telecommunications customer service and consumer outcomes in recent years, reflecting outcomes from the ACMA’s Reconnecting the Customer (RTC) public inquiry in 2010–11; the development, registration and implementation of a substantially revised Telecommunications Consumer Protection (TCP) Code; and subsequent changes to industry behaviour.

Since the RTC public inquiry and the implementation of a revised TCP Code, the ACMA has undertaken a number of studies to track and test the ongoing effectiveness of the interventions that arose from the RTC inquiry and TCP Code.

To complement these studies, the ACMA undertook a benefits assessment to provide a further perspective on the assessment of the RTC inquiry outcomes, including the TCP Code interventions. This research report looks at the results of that assessment.

Release date

November 2015

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