- 1Open for comment02 Mar 2022
- 2Consultation closed04 May 2022
- 3Submissions published04 Jul 2022
- 4Re-allocation declaration made14 Jul 2022
- 5Outcome published19 Jul 2022
Key documents
We received 30 public submissions to the consultation. These are available at the bottom of the page. Please note that some submissions also responded to the parallel consultation on the proposed allocation of AWLs in the 3.4–4.0 GHz band in remote areas.
After reviewing submissions, we decided to make the Radiocommunications (Spectrum Re-allocation – 3.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz Bands) Declaration 2022. In parallel, we have also published an outcomes paper, which is available below. The outcomes paper summarises submissions received and describes how we reached our planning decisions.
PLEASE NOTE: On 4 April 2022, the following corrections were made to the consultation paper:
- On page 21, a reference to ‘3004–3442.5 MHz’ was amended to ‘3400–3442.5 MHz’.
- On page 21, a reference to ‘3.510 MHz’ was amended to ‘3510 MHz’.
On 24 March 2022, the following corrections were made to the consultation paper:
- A correction to a typographical error was made on page 17 of the consultation paper.
- Cairns was removed from the definition of a metropolitan area from page 54, Table 8 on page 71 and Table 13 on page 82.
Please ensure you are using the latest updated version available on this webpage.
Previous consultation: The issue
The ACMA has new powers under section 153B of the Radiocommunications Act 1992, enabling us to declare parts of the spectrum for re-allocation. As such, we are consulting on a proposal to declare parts of the 3400–3575 MHz and 3700–3800 MHz frequency ranges to be cleared and allocated by issuing spectrum licences. This follows consultations on planning arrangements for the 3400–3575 MHz frequency range, the 3700–4200 MHz frequency range, and urban excise areas in the 3400–3475 MHz frequency range
This consultation is an opportunity for stakeholders to assess the proposed spectrum licensing arrangements in the context of the broader 3400–4200 MHz band, particularly the alternative planning arrangements proposed in the 3400–3575 MHz and 3700–3800 MHz frequency ranges. Our aim is to support the best long-term use of the band.
We present options for, and seek stakeholder comments on:
- the parts of the spectrum to be declared for re-allocation, including options on licensing arrangements in the urban excise areas, the 3400–3575 MHz frequency range in certain regional areas (3.4 GHz band) and the 3700–3800 MHz frequency range in metropolitan and regional areas (3.7 GHz band).
- the licence type
- the re-allocation period and deadline
- other matters including licence duration, lot configuration, allocation methodology, and some aspects of auction design.
The consultation paper explores planning options for the 3.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz bands, the terms of the proposed re-allocation declaration and other issues relevant to the future allocation of spectrum in the 3.4 GHz and 3.7 GHz bands.
Spectrum tune-up
We held a virtual targeted consultation (spectrum tune-up) on Tuesday 29 March examining the issues outlined in this consultation and related to our consultation on the allocation of AWLs in the 3.4–4.0 GHz band in remote Australia. The Q&As from the spectrum tune-up have been published on our 3.4-4.0 GHz project page.
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