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Digital radio start-up day

The digital radio start-up day is the date you can begin transmitting digital radio.

Start-up day

Foundation category 1 and 2 digital radio multiplex transmitter licensees can't begin transmitting until the start-up day. Licensees in these categories must also always transmit a digital commercial or community radio broadcasting service.

Foundation category 3 licensees (for ABC and SBS radio services) can begin anytime after the licence has been issued.

Test transmissions

Licensees can conduct test transmissions for at least 7 days under the Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017.

We will accept a period of up to 2 weeks of testing, and recommend licences come into effect 1 to 2 weeks before the digital radio start-up day.

If more testing is needed, it can happen under a scientific trial licence. You will need to submit a B12 application form.

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