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Technical details for outpost licences

Find information to assist with outpost licences.

Outpost licences: assigned and non-assigned

Licence type


Frequency band(s)

16.0 Outpost

16.1 Outpost assigned

16.2 Outpost non-assigned

MF and HF Bands


Band/Channel plan(s)

Segments within the MF and HF bands designated as ‘fixed’ or ‘mobile’ in the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan.

Licence information

Outpost licence

Licence conditions determinations

Spectrum embargoes

(current as of last update of this page)

Refer to RALI MS03 for embargoes.

Coordination criteria

(RALIs, advisory guidelines, etc.)

Intra-service coordination

Inter-service coordination

AP alert


Frequency assignment practices


Business operating procedures

  1. ACMA contact details for accredited persons
  2. Procedure for submitting requests for exemptions from embargoes
  3. Radiocommunications site data requirements
  4. BOP Correcting information in the ACMA’s Register of Radiocommunications Licences

Spatial data

Download embargo areas, in Placemark (Google Earth) and Shapefile format, from spectrum embargoes.

Other information

The outpost assigned licensing option authorises the operation of 'control' stations used to provide emergency medical aid services and certain public correspondence. The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) is the only organisation licensed under this arrangement.

The outpost non assigned licensing option authorises stations to communicate with the control stations on frequencies specified in the Outpost Licence Determination.

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