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FYSO 2019–23: Progress report for July–Dec 2019

This progress report for July to December 2019 outlines the status of activities in the Five-year spectrum outlook 2019–23 (FYSO).

The tables below show progress in delivering our 2019–20 work program from 1 July to 31 December 2019. They also provide reasons for changes in time frames or direction.

We'll provide updates in the 12-month report and outline the next steps for our spectrum management activities in the upcoming draft FYSO 2020–24.

Table 1: International engagement

Project priorities


Proposed timelines




ITU-R Study Group 4 block meetings

Q3 2019 (19 June – 4 July 2019)



25th meeting of the APT Wireless Group (AWG-25)

Q3 2019 (1–5 July 2019)



Fifth meeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Group (Asia Pacific) for WRC-19 (APG19-5)

Q3 2019 (31 July – 6 August 2019)



ITU Radiocommunication Assembly 2019

Q4 2019 (21–25 October 2019)


World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19)

Q4 2019 (28 October – 22 November 2019)


First Conference Preparatory Meeting for WRC-23

Q4 2019 (25–26 November 2019)


Table 2: Planning—major band planning and replanning activities

Planning stage


Project priorities


Proposed actions & timelines





Identify usage trends in:

600 MHz (617–698 MHz)

1900–1920 MHz

3.3 GHz (3300–3400 MHz)

4.5 GHz (4400–4500 MHz)

4.8 GHz (4800–4990 MHz)

Bands studied under WRC-19 agenda item 1.16

Bands studied under WRC-19 agenda item 1.13

Continue to monitor domestic and international developments in these bands














Initial investigation

2 GHz

(1980–2010 MHz and 2170–2200 MHz)

Q3 2019: discussion paper on planning issues




Q1 2020: possible options paper, depending on outcomes of discussion paper

Moved to Q2 due to re-prioritisation

3700–4200 MHz

Q3 2019: discussion paper on planning issues



Q1 2020: possible options paper, depending on outcomes of discussion paper

Moved to Q2 due to re-prioritisation

Preliminary replanning

1800 MHz (1710–1785 MHz and1805–1880 MHz) in remote areas

Q4 2019: discussion paper on planning issues

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

3400–3575 MHz

Q4 2019: planning decision


28 GHz

(27.5–29.5 GHz)

Q3 2019: planning decision



850 MHz expansion band (809–824 MHz and 854–869 MHz)

Band is being cleared progressively. The ACMA continues to consider options for optimising its use. Allocation time frames are tied to those of the 900 MHz band

No change







900 MHz (890–915 MHz and 935–960 MHz)

Consultation on configuration options for the band was conducted in Q2 2019. The ACMA is considering the submissions

Completed: decision paper released in Q4 2019

5.6 GHz (5600–5650 MHz)

Q4 2019: finalise the release of the 5.6 GHz band, including possible transitional arrangements for 3.6 GHz band (3575–3700 MHz) point-to-multipoint licensees

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation


26 GHz (24.25–27.5 GHz)

Q3 2019: recommendation to Minister on spectrum licensing in 25.1–27.5 GHz


Table 3: Planning—optimising established planning frameworks

Planning area


Project priorities


Proposed actions & timelines




Broadcasting analog and digital radio

Finalise outcome of the consultation on AM to FM conversion for Scottsdale, Tasmania

Q3 2019


Consult on AM to FM conversion proposals for Riverland, Murray Bridge, Spencer Gulf North and Port Lincoln, South Australia

Q3 2019: consult and finalise


Develop and consult on proposals for AM to FM conversions in Taree and Grafton, New South Wales

Q4 2019: consultations



  • delayed due to further engagement with industry
  • consultation expected Q2 2020


  • awaiting strategic business decisions of licensees
  • no new projected timeline

Develop and consult on the potential for replanning analog radio services in Perth following the clearance of Band II television in Bunbury

Q2 2020

Re-prioritised to 2020–21 after further engagement with industry on the future delivery of radio

Complete engineering and consult on digital radio channel plans (DRCPs) for several regional radio licence areas

Q1 2020

No interest has been received for formal DRCPs apart from the Gold Coast. Gold Coast consultation expected Q2 2020

Consult on whether the Hobart RA3 community radio licence area should be deemed the same as the Hobart RA1 commercial radio licence area for the purpose of digital radio

Q3 2019: release consultation paper



Consult on principles for determining whether specified community radio licence areas should be deemed to be the same as specified commercial radio licence areas for the purpose of digital radio

Q1 2020

No change to projected timeline

Consult on the future delivery of radio services in Australia

Q3 2019: publish submissions




Q4 2019: publish and consult on draft findings and report to government

Completed. Further engagement with industry on radio delivery in Q2 2020



Consider feasibility of inclusion of 10.7–11.7 GHz in Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence 2015


2019: release discussion paper






Q4 2019: determination of next steps


Finalise review of regulatory arrangements for earth stations in motion in Ku-band

Q3 2019



General review of licensing procedures for space-based communications systems

Q4 2019/Q1 2020


Review spectrum arrangements for small satellites

Q4 2019

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Consult on update for Radiocommunications (Foreign Space Objects) Determination 2014

Q3/4 2019


Radiocommunications (Foreign Space Objects) Determination 2014

Consider applications for test and demonstration purposes in the 2 GHz band


No change to projected timeline

Manage filing and coordination of Australian satellite systems


No change to projected timeline

Low interference potential devices (LIPD)

Consider proposed update of the LIPD class licence in response to industry requests

Q3 2019



Internet of Things (IoT)

Facilitate early access to the 928–935 MHz band for low-power wide-area IoT applications


No change to projected timeline

Spectrum licence technical framework review

Start discussion with industry on a potential review of spectrum licensing technical arrangements in relation to new technology developments

Q4 2019




Amateur service in the frequency band 5351.5–5366.5 kHz

Discussion paper on implementation issues

Q1 2020

No change to projected timeline

Spectrum-sharing approaches

Discussion paper and tune-up event on spectrum-sharing issues

Q3 2019


Table 4: Forward allocation work plan

Project priorities


Proposed timelines & actions




26 GHz

Q3 2019: recommendation to Minister


850/900 MHz

Q2 2020: recommendation to Minister

No change to projected timeline

3400–3575 MHz

Q4 2019 onwards: implementation of planning decisions

No change to projected timeline

28 GHz

Q3 2019: planning decision


Table 5: Spectrum management practice improvements

Project priorities


Proposed timelines & actions




Five-year spectrum outlook/Annual work program

Q3 2019: publish final program



Q2 2020: consult on draft work program for the next year

No change to projected timeline

Interference management

Q4 2019: finalise interference management principles

Delayed due to staged legislative reforms being considered by the portfolio

Pricing review implementation

Q4 2019: consult on draft spectrum pricing guidelines and potential new cost recovery proposals

Delayed to Q1 2020 to allow for further consideration of related pricing matters

Improving transparency of the spectrum planning framework

Under consideration for 2019–20


Table 6: Licensing and licensing systems

Project priorities


Proposed timelines & actions




Amateur certificates of proficiency—update syllabi

Q4 2019: establish a syllabus review panel


 Changes to amateur licence conditions

Q3/4 2019: amend amateur licence conditions


Trial of mobile phone jammers at Goulburn Correctional Complex

Q4 2019: commence trial


Changes to VHF marine radio channels and their use

Ongoing: work with industry, noting outcomes of WRC-19


400 MHz band

Final milestone period of the

400 MHz implementation project in 2019–20


Review of prohibition declarations and exemption determinations

Q4 2019: consultation paper

Moved to Q1 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Changes to regulatory arrangements for counter-drone equipment

2019–20: consultation


Explore the design of an area-wide apparatus licence

Q3 2019: consultation on framework for an area-wide apparatus licence



Q4 2019: implement framework for an area-wide apparatus licence

Completed Q1 2020


Review non-assigned amateur and outpost licensing arrangements

Q4 2019: consultation

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Review elements of existing apparatus licensing framework

2019–20: consideration in the context of any proposed legislative reform

Not proceeding due to staged legislative reforms being considered by the portfolio

Table 7: Pricing

Project priorities


Proposed timelines & actions




Implement spectrum pricing review

Q4 2019: publish approach to implementing review


Delayed to Q1 2020 to allow for further consideration of related pricing matters





Q4 2019: consult on draft spectrum pricing guidelines and cost recovery proposals


Delayed to Q1 2020 to allow for further consideration of related pricing matters






Q2 2020: consult on draft approach to spectrum pricing formula

No change to projected timeline

Commercial broadcasting tax arrangements

Assessment of taxes throughout 2019–20


Preparation for review of Commercial Broadcasting (Tax) Act 2017

Q4 2019: announcement about review

Delayed due to further portfolio engagement. Expected to start Q2 2020

400 MHz opportunity-cost pricing

Continued semi-regular monitoring of band use


Adjusting apparatus licence taxes for inflation and removing the freeze on taxes for fixed services in remote-density areas below 960 MHz

Q4 2019: consultation may be combined with consultation on the spectrum pricing review


Table 8: Compliance and enforcement

Project priorities


Proposed timelines & actions




Compliance audits on small cell deployments by mobile network operators

2019–20, Q1 2020: audit program

No change to projected timeline

Licensing integrity program: maximising utility of licensed spectrum use by addressing unlicensed activity

2019–20, Q1 2020: spectrum monitoring program in 400 MHz to be operationalised

No change to projected timeline

Compliance audits focusing on suppliers of solar inverters

2019–20, Q1 2020: audit program

No change to project timeline

Table 9: Consultation plans

This table summarises consultations flagged throughout the draft FYSO from July 2019 onwards. The list of consultations is subject to change.



Proposed timelines & actions




Spectrum-sharing approaches

Q3 2019: discussion paper


2 GHz (1980–2010 and 2170–2200 MHz) review

Q3 2019: discussion paper



Q1 2020: possible options paper

Moved to Q2 due to re-prioritisation

3700–4200 MHz review

Q3 2019: discussion paper




Q1 2020: possible options paper

Moved to Q2 due to re-prioritisation

Feasibility of inclusion of 10.7–11.7 GHz in Radiocommunications (Communication with Space Object) Class Licence 2015

Q3 2019: discussion paper


Feasibility of deeming the Hobart RA3 community radio licence area the same as the Hobart RA1 commercial radio licence area for the purpose of digital radio

Q3 2019: consultation paper


1800 MHz (1710–1785 MHz and1805–1880 MHz) in remote areas

Q4 2019: discussion paper


Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

AM to FM conversion for Riverland, Murray Bridge, Spencer Gulf North and Port Lincoln

Q3 2019: consultations


General review of space licensing procedures

Q4 2019/Q1 2020: consultation paper


Update on Radiocommunications (Foreign Space Objects) Determination 2014

Q3/4 2019: consultation paper


Radiocommunications (Foreign Space Objects) Determination 2014

Adjusting apparatus licence taxes for inflation and removing the freeze on taxes for fixed services in remote density areas below 960 MHz

Q4 2019: consultation paper


Spectrum arrangements for small satellites

Q4 2019: discussion paper

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Future delivery of radio services in Australia

Q4 2019: consult on draft findings

Completed. Further engagement with the industry on radio delivery in Q2 2020

AM to FM conversion proposals in Taree and Grafton

Q4 2019 consultations


  • delayed due to further engagement with industry
  • consultation expected Q2 2020


  • awaiting strategic business decisions of licensees
  • no new projected timeline

Review of prohibition declarations and exemption determinations

Q4 2019: consultation paper

Moved to Q1 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Spectrum pricing guidelines

Q4 2019: consultation paper

Delayed to Q1 2020 to allow for further consideration of related pricing matters

Non-assigned amateur and outpost licensing arrangements

Q4 2019

Moved to Q2 2020 due to re-prioritisation

Digital radio channel plans (DRCPs) for several regional radio licence areas

Q1 2020

No interest has been received for formal DRCPs apart from the Gold Coast. Gold Coast consultation expected Q2 2020

Establish principles for determining whether specified community radio licence areas should be deemed to be the same as specified commercial radio licence areas for the purpose of digital radio

Q1 2020: consultation paper

No change to projected timeline

Amateur service in the frequency band 5351.5–5366.5 kHz

Q1 2020: discussion paper on implementation issues

No change to projected timeline

Potential for replanning analog radio services in Perth, following the clearance of Band II television in Bunbury

Q2 2020: consultation paper

Re-prioritised to 2020–21 to allow further engagement with industry on the future delivery of radio

Draft approach to new spectrum pricing formula

Q2 2020: consultation

No change to projected timeline

Five-year spectrum outlook/Annual work program

Q2 2020: consultation on draft

No change to projected timeline

Further changes to regulatory arrangements for counter-drone equipment




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