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Buy or lease spectrum from someone else

Follow these steps to find out who owns spectrum, and how you can ask them to sell or lease part of their spectrum to you.

Ask someone if you can buy or lease their spectrum

If you want to use spectrum that is owned by someone else, there are steps you can take.

Search the licence register

Search the Register of Radiocommunications Licences to find the details of the licence you wish to use.

Contact the person who has the licence

You may contact the person with the licence to ask if you can buy or lease their spectrum.

Agree on terms

Agree on the price you will pay to buy or lease the spectrum. You may need legal advice.

If you can't agree on terms, you could ask if they will let you use their licence.

If they agree, you must follow all the rules of their licence.

Tell us about your agreement

The details of your agreement can stay private. But you must tell us that the agreement exists.

When you tell us, we will add the information to the Register of Radiocommunications Licences.

Your agreement is only complete after we do this.

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