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RALI LM08: Land mobile service

RALI LM08 provides the rules and advice for assigning and coordinating frequency. It applies to single and 2-frequency land mobile systems that use analogue and digital modulation methods.

The Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instruction (RALI) LM08 applies to:

  • analogue and digital modulated systems in the VHF Mid Band (70-87.5 MHz), VHF High Band (148-174 MHz) and 400 MHz band using 6.25 kHz, 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz channel bandwidths
  • high power (LMRS) and low power (LPMRS) systems, and both single frequency and two frequency systems
  • 800 MHz trunked systems using 25 kHz channels.

This RALI:

  • helps us and accredited persons who assign frequency consider all relevant factors to make decisions based on merit
  • guides people who plan land mobile systems.

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History of reviews and changes to RALI LM08


In May 2024, we updated LM08 to remove legacy arrangements for land mobile services. This put into effect Milestone 5 of The ACMA’s long-term strategy for the 803-960 MHz band. It provided additional criteria and guidance for coordination with spectrum-licensed services. 

The update followed our October 2023 consultation, which proposed changes to RALIs LM08, FX16 and FX22. 


As part of the ACMA’s Frequency coordination requirements review work program 2021–22, we undertook to review the 400 MHz land mobile services (LMS) coordination procedures. In particular, we proposed to review the frequency distance constraints (FDC) tables so that they might better accommodate digital services, as well as future-proofing these procedures by considering to adopt a more universally-recognised propagation model for calculating the FDC rules.

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Draft frequency coordination requirements review work program – consultation 25/2021

We have now completed an initial review of the FDC coordination requirements for 400 MHz LMS services, by recalculating the requirements using the proposed ITU-R P.1546-6 (Method for point-to-area predictions for terrestrial services in the frequency range 30 MHz to 4 000 MHz) propagation model. Preliminary results indicate that adopting this model would create some modest opportunities to reduce the FDC distance and, as a result, allow scope for more efficient allocation of services in congested areas.

As detailed in our RALI review work program for 2023–24, we will continue to evaluate the scale of benefits that revised reuse distances, based on modern propagation modelling, may have on the assignment efficiency of different types of land mobile and ambulatory systems. Subject to further review, we may consult on proposed updates to the FDR tables in RALI LM08 at an appropriate time.


We consulted industry in May in IFC 12/2020 on a proposal to add new channel arrangements for 806–809/851–854 MHz. The proposed changes align with those detailed for key date 5 in support of Milestone 3, as outlined in our decision paper, The ACMA’s long-term strategy for the 803-960 MHz band.


We consulted industry in September on a proposal that included:

  • a new coordination model. This supported systems with equivalent isotropic radiated power of 1.6watts or less
  • consolidating existing requirement for bi-directional amplifiers
  • updating coordination requirements with television channel 6, referencing spectrum embargo 32


We updated RALI LM8 in July 2016. The changes followed the identification of spectrum in the 400MHz band as ‘harmonised government spectrum’.


Public consultation in 2014 resulted in updates to LM8 in June 2015. Changes included:

  • clarifying arrangements for supplementary base stations, height power restrictions and intermodulation calculations
  • making frequency-distance constraints symmetrical and based on worst-case values
  • for low powered systems, addressing concerns about small separation distances when channel bandwidths overlap
  • adjusting first adjacent channel separation for 12.5 and 25kHz high-powered 2-frequency systems to be 0km
  • making reference levels for 25/12.5kHz systems the same
  • for 6.25 kHz systems, adjusting reference levels by 3dB in recognition of smaller bandwidth
  • calculating separation distances by determining a reference propagation loss at the co-channel separation distance
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