About mediation and arbitration
The Treasurer may designate a digital platform corporation and its digital platform services to participate in the code. Mediations or arbitrations under the code can only occur following the designation of at least one digital platform corporation. As at the time of publication, no digital platform corporations have been designated under the code.
Under the News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code (the code), the ACMA will appoint a mediator to assist registered news businesses and designated digital platform corporations to reach agreement on core bargaining issues. Core bargaining issues relate to a registered news business’s content being made available online.
If mediation is required, the ACMA will make its appointment from the list of mediators.
Under the code, the ACMA is required to keep a register of bargaining code arbitrators. If the bargaining parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator or panel of 3 arbitrators to arbitrate their dispute, the ACMA will make these appointments from the register of bargaining code arbitrators.
The ACMA has published guidelines for mediation and arbitration professionals who are considering submitting an expression of interest (EOI) to the ACMA.

Apply to be a mediator
If you wish to be added to the ACMA’s list of mediators, please click the following link:
Apply to be an arbitrator
If you wish to be added to the ACMA’s register of bargaining code arbitrators, please click the following link:
List of mediators
The list of mediators will be progressively populated as mediators are added by the ACMA.
Name | Position and Organisation | Contact Information |
David Scott Ellis | Arbitrator, Mediator, Barrister – Francis Burt Chambers | Phone: 08 9220 0511 Email: sellis@francisburt.com.au Address: Level 25, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 |
Alan Limbury | Managing Director, Strategic Action Pty Ltd t/as Strategic Resolution | Phone: 0412 104 809 Email: expert@mediated.solutions Address: 2 Crown Street, Woolloomooloo, NSW 2011 |
Nicole Davidson | Negotiation Advisor and Mediator – Nicole Davidson Negotiation | Phone: 0403 523 700 Email: nicole@nicoledavidsonnegotiation.com.au Address: Malvern Victoria 3144 |
Nina Harding | Senior Mediator – Nina Harding Mediation Services Pty Ltd | Phone: 0408 447 525 Email: office@ninaharding.com Address: PO Box 275, North Sydney NSW 2059 |
Rob Lilley | Director, Mount Soho Pty Ltd t/as Tough Talks Mediation | Phone: 0422 609 513 Email: admin@toughtalks.com.au Address: 510A Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 |
Rob Nicholls | Principal – nichollsmmc Pty Ltd | Phone: 0412 646 477 Email: rob@nichollsmmc.com Address: 5 Colbourne Avenue, Glebe NSW 2037 |
Anthony Lo Surdo SC | Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator – 8 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney; Lonsdale Chambers, Melbourne, William Forster Chambers, Darwin | Phone: 02 9223 3181 Email: losurdo@8wentworth.com.au Address: 8th Floor, Wentworth Chambers, 180 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 10th Floor, 460 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000 Level 1, 26 Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin, NT, 0801 |
John Paul Bartley | Mediator/Expert Witness – Stella Personnel Pty Ltd | Phone: 0429 848 047 Email: paul.stellapersonnel@gmail.com Address: 322 Glen Osmond Road, Myrtle Bank SA 5064 |
Ruth Beach | Principal – Ruth Beach Mediator & Lawyer | Phone: 0423 738 827 Email: ruth@ruthbeach.com.au Address: PO Box 712, Prospect East SA 5082 |
Derek Minus | Accredited Mediator, Barrister-at-law, Chartered Arbitrator – Mediation & Arbitration Centre | Phone: 02 9232 4000 Email: minus@medarb.com Address: Suite 1A, Level 2, 802-808 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072 |
Michael Gronow KC | Barrister (Kings Counsel) – Victorian Bar | Phone: 0411 289 318 Email: michaelgronow@bigpond.com Address: 205 William Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Dr Andrew Hanak KC | Kings Counsel – Victorian Bar | Phone: 03 9225 8864 Email: hanak@vicbar.com.au Address: Aickin Chambers, Level 28, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Professor Andrew Christie | Chair of Intellectual Property, Melbourne Law School | Phone: 0438 042 077 Email: adr@achristie.com Address: Camberwell, Victoria 3124 |
James Judge | Mediator, Director, James Judge and Associates | Phone: 0434 265 459 Email: james@jjconsulting.com.au Address: PO Box 5155, Braddon ACT 2612 |
Daniel Jade | Partner and Head of ADR – Midwinters Lawyers | Phone: 03 8199 7972 Email: daniel.jade@midwinters.com.au Address: Level 4, 90 William Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Ippei Okazaki | Principal Consultant - One Pacific Dispute Resolution | Phone: 1300 110 010 Email: admin@onepacific.info Address: PO Box 505, Goodwood SA 5034 |
Lisa Frisken | Principal – Gold Coast Mediation | Phone: 0418 621 997 Email: info@goldcoastmediation.com.au Address: PO Box 20, Miami Queensland 4220 |
Stephanie Hunt | Principal – Steph Hunt (Sole Practice) | Phone: 0429 931 151 Email: Law@StephHunt.com Address: Level 27, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Angela Little | Private Practitioner and Sole Trader – Accredited Mediation Services | Phone: 0447 264 352 Email: angela@accreditedmediationservices.com.au Address: 41/183 City Road, Southbank, Victoria 3006 |
Register of bargaining code arbitrators
The register of bargaining code arbitrators will be progressively populated as arbitrators are added by the ACMA.
Name | Position and Organisation | Contact Information |
Arthur Emmett KC | Independent Arbitrator | Phone: 02 8066 0899 Email: arthur.emmett@elevenwentworth.com Address: Eleventh Floor, Wentworth Chambers, 180 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 |
Jayems Dhingra | International Chartered Arbitrator, Principal Management Consultant – Tiberias Management Consultants Pte Ltd | Phone: 65 6464 0480 Email: jayems.d@tiberiasmc.com Address: 20 Ayer Rajah Crescent, #09-17, Singapore |
Lucy Martinez | Independent Arbitrator – Martinez Arbitration | Phone: 0404 529 518 Email: lucymartinez@martinez-arbitration.com Address: PO Box 558, Belgian Gardens, Qld 4810 |
David Scott Ellis | Arbitrator, Mediator, Barrister – Francis Burt Chambers | Phone: 08 9220 0511 Email: sellis@francisburt.com.au Address: Level 25, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 |
Rob Nicholls | Principal – nichollsmmc Pty Ltd | Phone: 0412 646 477 Email:rob@nichollsmmc.com Address: 5 Colbourne Avenue, Glebe NSW 2037 |
Malcolm Gracie | Barrister – 4th Floor Selborne Chambers | Phone: 02 9232 4293 Email:gracie@4selborne.com.au Address: Level 4, 174 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 |
Anthony Lo Surdo SC | Barrister, Arbitrator, Mediator – 8 Wentworth Chambers, Sydney; Lonsdale Chambers, Melbourne, William Forster Chambers, Darwin | Phone: 02 9223 3181 Email: losurdo@8wentworth.com.au Address: 8th Floor, Wentworth Chambers, 180 Phillip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 10th Floor, 460 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, Vic 3000 Level 1, 26 Harry Chan Avenue, Darwin, NT, 0801 |
Albert Monichino KC | KC – List A Barristers | Phone: 03 9225 8247 Email: albert@monichino.me Address: 205 William Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 |
Derek Minus | Accredited Mediator, Barrister-at-law, Chartered Arbitrator – Mediation & Arbitration Centre | Phone: 02 9232 4000 Email:minus@medarb.com Address: Suite 1A, Level 2 802-808 Pacific Highway, Gordon NSW 2072 |
Michael Gronow KC | Barrister (Kings Counsel) – Victorian Bar | Phone: 0411 289 318 Email: michaelgronow@bigpond.com Address: 205 William Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Dr Andrew Hanak KC | Kings Counsel – Victorian Bar | Phone: 03 9225 8864 Email: hanak@vicbar.com.au Address: Aickin Chambers, Level 28, 200 Queen Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Erika Williams | Independent Arbitration Practitioner – Williams Arbitration | Phone: 0406 605 727 Email: erika@williamsarbitration.com Address: Level 54, 111 Eagle Street, Brisbane Queensland 4000 |
The Honourable Neil Anthony Brown KC | Arbitrator, Mediator and Kings Counsel – Victorian Bar | Phone: 03 9225 7222 and 0400 123 254 Email: nabrownqc@vicbar.com.au Address: Owen Dixon Chambers, 205 William Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000 |
Professor Andrew Christie | Chair of Intellectual Property, Melbourne Law School | Phone: 0438 042 077 Email: adr@achristie.com Address: Camberwell, Victoria 3124 |
Russell Thirgood | Independent Arbitrator, Arbitra International | Phone: 0438 644 002 Email: russell@thirgoodarb.com Address: Level 34, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 |
The Honourable Andrew Greenwood | Arbitrator, former Judge, Federal Court of Australia | Phone: 0408 661 004 Email: Greenwood@level27chambers.com.au Address: Level 27 Chambers, Level 27, 239 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 |
Nathan Landis | Barrister, Francis Burt Chambers | Phone: 08 9220 0553 Email: nlandis@francisburt.com.au Address: Level 25, 77 Saint Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 |
Stephanie Hunt | Principal – Steph Hunt (Sole Practice) | Phone: 0429 931 151 Email: Law@StephHunt.com Address: Level 27, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000 |
Contact us
If you have any questions about mediation and arbitration under the code or the EOI process, please email us at bargainingcode@acma.gov.au.