Large and medium-sized telcos with 30,000 or more services send us data about the complaints they receive. We collect this data under the Telecommunications (Consumer Complaints) Record-Keeping Rules 2018.
The data includes:
- the number of complaints received for each type of service
- the time taken to resolve complaints
- details of certain complaint types
- the NBN access technology the customer is using.
The data helps us to identify areas of telcos’ complaints-handling performance that we need to look at more closely.
It also provides transparency to industry, consumers, and government.
Key industry-wide observations
- Complaint rates: Average complaints to telcos per 10,000 services remained the same as the previous quarter at 45.
- Resolution times: The average days to resolve complaints dropped from 5.8 to 5.5.
- TIO escalation rates: Rates of complaints being escalated to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) increased from 6.1% to 6.2%.
Individual telco complaints-handling rankings: July to September 2024
- Tables show telcos with 30,000 or more services except where indicated.
- Complaints per 10,000 services is calculated by dividing the number of complaints reported by the corresponding number of services for a telco and multiplying by 10,000.
- Some telcos only provide one type of service, while others operate across multiple service categories.
- Some telcos report separately for different brands (for example, Vodafone reports separately for its brand Kogan Mobile), while others, like Telstra with Belong, and Optus with Coles Mobile, report collectively.
- Westnet will not appear in future reports as it ceased offering new services last year, with residual customers moving to iiNet this quarter.
- View the glossary of terms.
Complaints for all services (mobile, landline or internet)
This ranking shows how many complaints a telco received for every 10,000 services they supplied during the quarter.
A higher number means a larger proportion of the telco’s customers made a complaint.
Lowest complaints: Vonex
Highest complaints: Westnet
Industry average: 45
Rank | Telco | Complaints per 10,000 services |
1 | Vonex | 3 |
2 | Medion | 6 |
3 | Starlink | 7 |
4 | More | 8 |
5 | Felix Mobile | 9 |
6 | Aussie Broadband | 9 |
7 | Tangerine Telecom | 12 |
8 | Telechoice | 14 |
9 | Lyca Mobile | 16 |
10 | Mate Communicate | 16 |
11 | Amaysim Mobile | 20 |
12 | Internode | 22 |
13 | Circles.Life | 22 |
14 | Exetel | 22 |
15 | Origin Energy | 22 |
16 | Commander | 26 |
17 | Southern Phone Company | 31 |
18 | Foxtel | 31 |
19 | Telstra | 33 |
20 | Moose Mobile | 34 |
21 | Woolworths Mobile | 39 |
22 | Activ8me | 44 |
23 | Superloop Broadband | 48 |
24 | Kogan Mobile | 50 |
25 | Optus | 51 |
26 | Dodo | 52 |
27 | Lebara | 60 |
28 | Spintel | 66 |
29 | iiNet | 67 |
30 | Uniti Internet | 76 |
31 | TPG | 94 |
32 | Primus | 95 |
33 | Vodafone | 102 |
34 | Westnet | 254 |
Average days to resolve a complaint (for all services)
This ranking shows the average number of days it took each telco to resolve complaints during the quarter.
A higher number means the telco took longer to resolve complaints.
Fastest to resolve: Moose Mobile, Circles.Life, Starlink, Woolworths Mobile
Slowest to resolve: Telstra
Industry average (weighted): 5.5
Rank | Telco | Average days to resolve |
1 | Moose Mobile | 1 |
1 | Circles.Life | 1 |
1 | Starlink | 1 |
1 | Woolworths Mobile | 1 |
5 | Dodo | 2 |
5 | Kogan Mobile | 2 |
5 | TPG | 2 |
8 | More | 3 |
8 | Amaysim Mobile | 3 |
8 | Westnet | 3 |
8 | Mate Communicate | 3 |
8 | Internode | 3 |
8 | Felix Mobile | 3 |
8 | iiNet | 3 |
8 | Tangerine Telecom | 3 |
16 | Primus | 4 |
16 | Superloop Broadband | 4 |
16 | Exetel | 4 |
16 | Foxtel | 4 |
16 | Optus | 4 |
16 | Vodafone | 4 |
16 | Telechoice | 4 |
23 | Medion | 5 |
23 | Lebara | 5 |
25 | Activ8me | 6 |
25 | Uniti Internet | 6 |
25 | Spintel | 6 |
25 | Aussie Broadband | 6 |
29 | Commander | 7 |
30 | Lyca Mobile | 8 |
30 | Origin Energy | 8 |
30 | Southern Phone Company | 8 |
33 | Vonex | 9 |
34 | Telstra | 10 |
TIO referral rate (for all services)
Complaints can be escalated to the TIO by a customer when they have tried but failed to resolve a complaint with their telco.
This ranking shows the percentage of complaints that were escalated to the TIO by the telco’s customers. A higher percentage means a larger proportion of the telco’s complaints were referred to the TIO.
Lowest referrals: Lebara
Highest referrals: Tangerine Telecom
Industry average: 6.2%
Rank | Telco | TIO referral rate |
1 | Lebara | 1.6% |
2 | Kogan Mobile | 1.8% |
3 | Moose Mobile | 2.2% |
4 | Vodafone | 2.7% |
5 | Woolworths Mobile | 2.8% |
6 | Amaysim Mobile | 3.0% |
7 | TPG | 4.1% |
8 | Optus | 4.9% |
9 | Primus | 5.5% |
10 | Vonex | 7.1% |
11 | Dodo | 7.7% |
12 | iiNet | 7.9% |
13 | Spintel | 8.4% |
14 | Telstra | 8.7% |
15 | Starlink | 8.8% |
16 | Activ8me | 11.2% |
16 | Westnet | 11.2% |
18 | Telechoice | 11.3% |
19 | Commander | 12.0% |
20 | Foxtel | 14.1% |
21 | Medion | 14.8% |
22 | Mate Communicate | 15.0% |
23 | Superloop Broadband | 15.4% |
24 | Exetel | 17.1% |
25 | Uniti Internet | 17.3% |
26 | Origin Energy | 20.2% |
27 | Internode | 23.2% |
28 | Circles.Life | 26.4% |
29 | Aussie Broadband | 28.2% |
30 | Felix Mobile | 31.0% |
31 | Southern Phone Company | 33.1% |
32 | More | 62.3% |
33 | Lyca Mobile | 63.8% |
34 | Tangerine Telecom | 81.5% |
Landline and broadband complaints
Excludes NBN.
Lowest complaints: Vonex
Highest complaints: Foxtel
Industry average: 102
Telcos in this table may have fewer than 10,000 services of this type
Rank | Telco | Complaints per 10,000 services |
1 | Vonex | 3 |
2 | Commander | 4 |
3 | Exetel | 5 |
4 | Internode | 15 |
5 | Superloop Broadband | 15 |
6 | Aussie Broadband | 20 |
7 | Origin Energy | 22 |
8 | Uniti Internet | 28 |
9 | Dodo | 29 |
10 | Southern Phone Company | 33 |
11 | Activ8me | 34 |
12 | Spintel | 43 |
13 | iiNet | 94 |
14 | Primus | 109 |
15 | Telstra | 160 |
16 | TPG | 209 |
17 | Westnet | 555 |
18 | Foxtel | 606 |
NBN complaints
Lowest complaints: Vonex
Highest complaints: Vodafone
Industry average: 68
Telcos in this table may have fewer than 10,000 services of this type
Rank | Telco | Complaints per 10,000 services |
1 | Vonex | 4 |
2 | Aussie Broadband | 8 |
3 | Origin Energy | 11 |
4 | Amaysim Mobile | 11 |
5 | More | 11 |
6 | Tangerine Telecom | 13 |
7 | Internode | 18 |
8 | Mate Communicate | 27 |
9 | Exetel | 37 |
10 | Southern Phone Company | 40 |
11 | Foxtel | 45 |
12 | Activ8me | 46 |
13 | Telstra | 48 |
14 | Superloop Broadband | 56 |
15 | iiNet | 66 |
16 | Commander | 69 |
17 | Dodo | 74 |
18 | Uniti Internet | 79 |
19 | TPG | 80 |
20 | Spintel | 85 |
21 | Primus | 96 |
22 | Telechoice | 96 |
23 | Optus | 105 |
24 | Westnet | 228 |
25 | Moose Mobile | 347 |
26 | Vodafone | 431 |
Mobile phone complaints
Lowest complaints: Mate Communicate
Highest complaints: Westnet
Industry average: 38
Telcos in this table may have fewer than 10,000 services of this type
Rank | Telco | Complaints per 10,000 services |
1 | Mate Communicate | 3 |
2 | More | 4 |
3 | Aussie Broadband | 5 |
4 | Medion | 6 |
5 | Tangerine Telecom | 7 |
6 | Felix Mobile | 9 |
7 | Telechoice | 9 |
8 | Commander | 9 |
9 | Exetel | 10 |
10 | Dodo | 12 |
11 | Telstra | 14 |
12 | Lyca Mobile | 16 |
13 | Amaysim Mobile | 20 |
14 | Circles.Life | 22 |
15 | Internode | 25 |
16 | Southern Phone Company | 26 |
17 | Moose Mobile | 30 |
18 | Superloop Broadband | 31 |
19 | iiNet | 33 |
20 | Woolworths Mobile | 39 |
21 | Primus | 43 |
22 | Spintel | 47 |
23 | Kogan Mobile | 50 |
24 | Lebara | 60 |
25 | Optus | 64 |
26 | Vodafone | 83 |
27 | TPG | 101 |
28 | Westnet | 132 |
You can also view the action we’ve taken on telco consumer protections in July–September 2024.
Industry-wide complaints-handling performance
You can view and interact with this report to compare telco data submitted to the ACMA since September 2018. Data can be viewed by quarter or financial year, about:
- services
- complaints
- time taken to resolve complaints
- escalated complaints (referred to telcos by the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman).
The data in this report is important to our work as an evidence-informed regulator. It helps us with policy development and compliance strategies. It also provides valuable information to our stakeholders.
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Data quality and updates
We check the data before publication, with any issues taken up with telcos.
We may also update historical data if needed, following corrections made by telcos or us after release.
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