Program or issue |
Station or licensee |
Description |
Outcome |
Report published |
Kyle and Jackie O |
KIIS 1065 / Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation Pty Ltd |
Proscribed matter and program content and language: decency - alleged offensive comment about a transgender person |
No breach of codes 1.1(e) [proscribed matter] or 1.3(a) [generally accepted standards of decency] of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2013 BI -124 |
24 December 2015 |
Breakfast with Red Symons |
774 ABC Melbourne / Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
Harm and offence - offensive content and condoning prejudice through the use of a stereotypes in the broadcast of an Irish joke |
No breach of standards 7.1 [harm and offence] or 7.7 [condone or encourage prejudice] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014) BI -84 |
3 November 2015 |
AM |
Radio National / Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
Accuracy, corrections and opportunity to respond - in a radio segment on alleged corruption in the private vocational education and training industry |
No breach of standards 2.1 [accuracy], 3.1 [corrections and clarifications] or 5.3 [opportunity to respond] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014) BI -49 |
25 September 2015 |
Alan Jones Breakfast Show |
2GB / Harbour Radio Pty Ltd |
Accuracy and correction of factual errors - in a segment on the revocation of approval for development of an aged care faculty |
No breach of clauses 2.2(a) [accuracy] and clause 2.2(b) [correction of factual errors] of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2013 BI -48 |
18 September 2015 |
Between The Lines |
Radio National / |
Due impartiality - in an interview with a British politician about climate change |
No breach of standard 4.3 [imply perspective is the editorial opinion of the ABC] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014) BI -46 |
1 September 2015 |
Kyle & Jackie O |
KISS 1065 / Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation Pty Ltd |
Generally accepted standards of decency and treatment of participants in a live hosted entertainment program - in an interview with the Hon. Barnaby Joyce MP |
No breach of codes 1.3(a) [decency] or 9.1(a) [treatment of participants] of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2013 BI 3352 |
14 August 2015 |
Community Voices |
Voice FM 99.9 / Ballarat Community FM Radio Cooperative Ltd |
Licence conditions - broadcast advertisements |
Breach of paragraph 9(1)(b) [broadcast advertisements] of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 BI 3342 |
17 July 2015 |
Unna You Fullas |
Noongar Radio / Peedac Pty Ltd |
Stereotype, incite, vilify or perpetuate hatred against a group on the basis of ethnicity or race and complaints handling – in a broadcast about indigenous history |
Breach of code 7.3(c) [respond in writing to complaint within 60 days] and no breach of code 3.3 [stereotype, incite, vilify or perpetuate hatred against a group on the basis of ethnicity or race] of the Community Radio Broadcasting Codes of Practice 2008 BI 3324 |
14 May 2015 |
Licence condition matter |
Northside Radio 99.3 / Northside Broadcasting Cooperative Ltd |
Broadcasting advertisements |
Breach of paragraph 9(1)(b) [broadcasting advertisements] of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 BI 3315 |
6 May 2015 |
Alan Jones Breakfast Show |
2GB / Harbour Radio Pty Ltd |
Accuracy - in a talkback discussion on global warming |
No breach of code 2.2(a) [accuracy] of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2013 BI 3322 |
29 April 2015 |
Early Morning Breakfast Show |
Radio 2EL 1089am / Orange Super AM 1089 Pty Ltd |
Proscribed matter – in a talkback program discussing Halal food |
No breach of clause 1.1(e) [proscribed matter] of the Commercial Radio Australia Codes of Practice 2013 BI 3321 |
29 April 2015 |
General programming |
Classic Gold 87.6 FM / Noise FM Pty Ltd |
Categories of broadcasting services - the station is not operating as a narrowcasting service as it is providing programs of broad appeal |
The licensee is providing an open narrowcasting service within the meaning of section 18 of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 BI 3267 |
20 February 2015 |
Mornings with Linda Mottram |
702 ABC Sydney / Australian Broadcasting Corporation |
Accuracy, due impartiality and opportunity to respond – in an interview regarding Hornsby Quarry |
No breach of standards 2.1 [accuracy], 4.1 [due impartiality], 4.2 [diversity of perspectives] or 5.3 [opportunity to respond] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014) BI 3271 |
13 February 2015 |
2015 radio investigations
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