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Technical details for aircraft licences

Find information to assist with aircraft licences.

Aircraft licences

Licence type


Frequency band(s)

2.0 Aircraft

2.1 Aircraft assigned

Aeronautical mobile bands


Band/Channel plan(s)

See the Australian Radiofrequency Spectrum Plan for aeronautical mobile bands.

Licence information

Aircraft licence

Licence conditions determinations

Spectrum embargoes

(current as of last update of this page)

Refer to RALI MS03 for embargoes.

Coordination criteria

(RALIs, advisory guidelines, etc.)

Intra-service coordination

  • Frequency allotment plan and other provisions relating to the aeronautical mobile (off-route) service in the frequency range 3025 kHz to 18030 kHz are contained in Appendix 26 of the ITU Radio Regulations.
  • Frequency allotment plan and other provisions relating to the aeronautical mobile (route) service in the frequency range 2850 kHz to 22000 kHz are contained in Appendix 27 of the ITU Radio Regulations.


AP alert


Frequency Assignment Practices


Business operating procedures

  1. ACMA contact details for accredited persons
  2. Airservices Australia endorsement of frequency assignments to support applications for aeronautical or aircraft apparatus licences
  3. Procedure for submitting requests for exemptions from embargoes
  4. Radiocommunications site data requirements
  5. Correcting information in the ACMA’s Register of Radiocommunications Licences

Other information

Frequency assignments to the aeronautical mobile service must be endorsed by Airservices Australia before we issue a licence.

Refer to the applicable business operating procedure for more information.

We only issue an aircraft licence to authorise the operation of aircraft aeronautical equipment on frequencies that are not authorised under the Radiocommunications (Aircraft and Aeronautical Mobile Stations) Class Licence 2006.


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