To object to a telco’s plans
If you want to object to a telco’s plans to enter and work on your property, you should first write to the telco.
You must give this to the telco at least 5 business days before they propose to do the work.
If you and the telco cannot agree, you can ask the telco to refer your issue to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman to decide.
To complain about what a telco does
While they are on your property, telcos must follow the rules. If they break the rules, there are steps you can take.
When to contact the TIO
For all complaints about a telco's work on your property, you should first contact the telco by writing to them.
If you are not happy with their response, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and ask them to investigate.
When to contact the ACMA
You should first contact the TIO. They will investigate your problem.
If you believe the telco has breached a code, regulation or legislation, or you have been advised by the TIO, you can also contact us at the ACMA.