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Remaking the Fixed Licence LCD and revised arrangements for the 3.4–4 GHz band

We are consulting on a proposed remake of the Radiocommunications Licence Conditions (Fixed Licence) Determination 2015. We are also reviewing arrangements for highly localised wireless broadband use of 3400–3475 MHz and 3950–4000 MHz bands, and proposing updates to radiocommunications assignment licensing instruction (RALI) MS47.

Submissions now public
Days remaining 0 of 30 days
  • 1

    Consultation opened

    17 Oct 2024
  • 2

    Consultation closed

    15 Nov 2024
  • 3

    Outcome 1 and submissions published

    25 Mar 2025

Key documents

Outcome 1 (25 March 2025)

We received 4 submissions to this consultation, which you can access below. After considering the submissions, we made the:

We also updated RALI FX16: Frequency assignment requirements for the point-to-multipoint service in the VHF high, 400 MHz and 800 MHz bands. You can access the updated instructions on our RALIs to coordinate frequency page.

The remade instruments do not include the highly localised wireless broadband (HL WBB) reforms proposed in the consultation drafts of the instruments. 

We have not yet made RALI MS50. We have also not yet brought in the proposed updates to RALI MS47 that are not related to the HL WBB reforms. These will happen separately. 

We will provide further updates on this page.


Previous consultation: The issue

We are seeking your views on:

These issues affect the same instruments and policy documents. Given that consultation would be required with similar industry sectors, we have decided to combine them into a single process.

You can find details of the proposals for each issue in the consultation paper in the key documents box. You can also access copies of the relevant draft or amended instruments and policy documents here. 

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