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Compliance priorities 2019–20

Our compliance priorities outline our key areas of focus for the year. They will guide our efforts to deliver effective compliance and, where necessary, targeted enforcement action.

This ACMA-wide approach to setting annual priorities replaces our previous practice of setting priority compliance areas for some of our activities.

Our compliance priorities focus on areas of significant public interest or concern and conduct that negatively impacts consumers.

1. Telco consumer safeguards

Icon and heading Moving to the NBN  Moving to the NBN

Telcos' compliance with rules helping consumers moving to the NBN.

Icon for complaints handling  Complaints-handling

Telcos' compliance with rules about handling of consumers' complaints.

Icon for selling practices  Selling practices

Telcos' compliance with new Telecommunications Consumer Protections (TCP) code credit assessment and financial hardship rules.

2. Small cell base stations for 4G and 5G

Icon for small cells  Small cells - EME compliance

Carriers' compliance with electromagnetic energy (EME) emission standards when installing small cell base stations.

Icon for small cells deployment  Small cells deployment

Carriers' practices in informing and consulting stakeholders, including the local community, before installing small cell base stations.

3. Unsolicited communications

Icon for lead generation (headset)  Lead generation

Marketing that seeks ‘hot leads’ without consent from consumers.

Icon for solar industry (solar panel)  Solar industry

Solar telemarketers making sales calls without consumer consent.

4. News

Icon for News (TV)   Commercial influence in broadcast news

Distinguishing between commercial content and broadcast news editorial.

5. Gambling

Icon for gambling advertising  Gambling ads in sport

Compliance with rules about broadcasting and streaming gambling ads during live sport.

Icon for credit betting  Credit betting

Australian betting operators unlawfully offering credit.

Icon for offshore wagering  Offshore wagering

The provision of illegal offshore gambling services offered to Australians.

6. Interference and licencing compliance

Icon for solar inverters  Solar inverters

Solar inverters' compliance with interference management licence conditions.

Icon for licence integrity   Licence integrity

Unlicensed operations and device compliance with interference rules.

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