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2016 television investigations

To access any of these investigation reports, please contact us.

Program or issue

Station or licensee




Report published

Nine News and program promotions

Nine / Queensland Television Pty Ltd, Territory Television Pty Ltd, Channel 9 South Australia Pty Limited, and Swan Television & Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd

Accuracy – in a news broadcast and in program promotions for the news broadcast about alleged benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet and avoiding particular foods for people with arthritis and gout pain.

No breach of clauses 3.3.1 [accuracy and fairness] or

3.6 [program promotions] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


12 December 2016

Seven News 

Seven / Channel Seven Adelaide Pty Ltd

Accuracy and fairness and impartiality - in a news broadcast about alleged discrimination by a Catholic high school of two students in a same-sex relationship

No breach of clauses 3.3.1 [accuracy and fairness] or 3.4.1 [impartiality] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


11 November 2016

Supercars: Bathurst 1000 LIVE

Ten / Network TEN (Sydney) Pty Ltd

Tobacco advertising 

No breach of paragraph 7(1)(a) [tobacco advertising] of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992


9 November 2016

A Current Affair

Nine / Channel 9 South Australia Pty Ltd

Exercise care in selecting material for broadcast and broadcast of material likely to seriously distress or seriously offend - in the broadcast of a recorded video message in which a man verbally abuses his estranged wife and makes threats against her family

No breach of clause 2.3.3 [exercise care in selecting material for broadcast] or subclause 3.2.1(a) [material which is likely to seriously distress or seriously offend] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


8 November 2016 

ABC News

ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Harm and offence - arising from the broadcast of footage concerning alleged mistreatment of minors in the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre

No breach of standards 7.1 [harm or offence], 7.2 [warnings] or 7.5 [extreme sensitivity] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


8 November 2016


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Accuracy and due impartiality - in a program covering accusations of sexual abuse that inaccurately characterised the alleged behaviour and lacked impartiality

No breach of standards 2.1 [accuracy], 4.1 [due impartiality] or 4.5 [unduly favour one perspective] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


27 October 2016

The Block 

Nine / General Television Corporation Pty Ltd

Classification - commercial for MA15+ classified film broadcast during a PG program

No breach of clauses 2.1.1 [classification], 2.2.1 [PG classification zone], or 2.4.1(b) [special care requirements for non-program material] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


24 October 2016 


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Due impartiality - lack of impartiality in treatment of a panel member

No breach of standard 4.1 [due impartiality] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


28 September 2016

The Drum 

ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Due impartiality - in a panel discussion on same sex marriage

No breach of standard 4.1 [due impartiality] or 4.2 [diversity of perspectives] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


22 September 2016 

Luke Warm Sex

ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Harm and offence and children and young people – nudity and depictions of sexual activity that were harmful and offensive, and unsuitable for young people in two episodes of a television comedy documentary series

No breach of standards 7.1 [harm or offence], 7.2 [warnings or advice], 7.3 [steps to mitigate], 7.6 [mitigate risks] or 8.4 [minimise risks] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


20 September 2016

Prime7 Local

Prime7 / Prime Television (Northern) Pty Ltd

Accuracy and privacy - lack of accuracy and an invasion of a child's privacy in a news report about alleged incidents of bullying at a rural NSW school

Breach of clause 3.5 [privacy] and no breach of clause 3.3.1 [accuracy and fairness] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


16 September 2016 


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Due impartiality - in a post budget-in-reply interview with opposition leader Bill Shorten

No breach of standard 4.1 [due impartiality] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


15 September 2016 

20 to One 

Nine / Swan Television & Radio Broadcasters Pty Ltd

Material not suitable for broadcast – offensive and derogatory comments about a transgender person.

No breach of clause 2.6.2 [provoke or perpetuate intense dislike, serious contempt or severe ridicule] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


8 September 2016 

Seven News

Seven / Channel Seven Brisbane Pty Ltd

Accuracy  and correction of errors – in the broadcast of images in a news report identifying the wrong people

Breach of clauses 3.3.1 [accuracy] and 3.3.3 [correction of errors] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


26 August 2016

The Project 

Ten  / Network Ten (Melbourne) Pty Ltd

Accuracy and fairness – misrepresentation of viewpoints on the Port Arthur massacre

No breach of clause 3.3.1 [representation of viewpoints] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


24 August 2016

Federal election advertisement featuring the State Premier of Tasmania

Southern Cross Television / Southern Cross Television (TNT9) Pty Ltd

Election advertising – a political advertisement did not announce required particulars

Breach of subclause 4(2) [identification of certain political matter] and paragraph 7(1)(i) [comply with clause 4] of Schedule 2 to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992


16 August 2016


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Harm and offence and children and young people – in a broadcast of an implied sex, where the scene was offensive and unsuitable for young people

No breach of standards 7.1 [harm or offence], 7.2 [warnings or advice], 7.3 [steps to mitigate], 7.6 [mitigate risks] or 8.4 [minimise risks] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


5 August 2016 

The Drum 

ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Due impartiality - in panel discussions about the legality of the detention centre on Manus Island 

No breach of standard 4 [due impartiality] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2016)


15 July 2016 


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Accuracy and diversity of perspectives - in a report on electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

No breach of standards 2.2 [materially mislead audiences] and 4.2 [diversity of perspectives] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014)


8 July 2016

The Bolt Report

Southern Cross Ten / Southern Cross Communications Pty Ltd

Accuracy - in a segment about climate change.

No breach of clause 4.3.1 [accuracy] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2010


8 July 2016

The Project 

Ten / Network Ten (Perth) Pty Ltd

Material not suitable for broadcast: provoke intense dislike, serious contempt or severe ridicule on the basis of religion – in a segment which included the Tim Minchin song ‘Come Home (Cardinal Pell)’

No breach of clause 2.6.2 [provoke intense dislike, serious contempt or severe ridicule on the basis of religion] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


30 May 2016 

ABC News Breakfast

ABC News 24 / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Harm and offence – in a segment about the success of a home-schooled child in achieving a perfect result in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

No breach of standard 7.1 [harm and offence]of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014)


13 May 2016

Studio Ten 

Ten / Network TEN (Sydney) Pty Ltd

Classification – in a program showing images of an erect penis during a PG time slot

Breach of clause 2.1.1 [classification] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


29 April 2016 


Gem / WIN Television NSW Pty Ltd

Exercise care in selecting material and material which may cause distress - lack of care when selecting material for broadcast as footage of a hit-and-run accident

No breach of clauses 2.3.3 [exercise care in selecting material for broadcast] or 3.2.1 [seriously distress or seriously offend] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015


29 April 2016

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here!


Southern Cross Ten / Northern Rivers Television Pty Ltd

Captioning - on repeated occasions during broadcasts the captioning service had a time lag of 20 seconds or more and/or otherwise breached the Broadcasting Services (Television Captioning) Standard 2013

No breach of subsections 130ZZA(4) [captioning standard] or 130ZR(1) [basic rule] or clause 7(1)(o) of Schedule 2 [licence condition] to the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 or the Broadcasting Services (Television Captioning) Standard 2013


15 April 2016

A Current Affair

Nine / Queensland Television Ltd

Accuracy – in a segment about an organiser of a peace conference, and a program promotion for that segment

No breach of clauses 4.3 [accuracy] or 4.5 [accuracy – current affairs promotion] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2010


11 April 2016

Balls of Steel Australia

GO!  / WIN Television NSW Pty Ltd

Material not suitable for broadcast: dislike, contempt or ridicule on grounds of sexual preference - in the broadcast of a practical joke involving auditions of heterosexual males for a fictional reality television show featuring a household of gay men

No breach of clause 2.6.2 [dislike, contempt or ridicule on grounds of sexual preference] of the Commercial Television Industry Code of Practice 2015.


8 April 2016 


ABC / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Accuracy and due impartiality - in a segment on the launch of a renewable energy utility company

No breach of standards 2.1 and 2.2 [accuracy] or 4.1 [due impartiality] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014).


18 March 2016

The Drum

ABC News 24 / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Due impartiality - in a discussion on Islamic extremism

No breach of clause 4.1 [due impartiality] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014).


14 March 2016

ABC News

ABC News 24 / Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Accuracy and harm and offence, encouraging prejudice – in a news report about a syphilis outbreak

No breach of standards 2.1 [accuracy], 2.2 [materially mislead] or 7.7 [condone or encourage prejudice] of the ABC Code of Practice 2011 (revised 2014).


8 March 2016

Catch me if you can

WIN / WIN Corporation Pty Ltd 

Classification – in the broadcast of a scene that simulated sex, exceeding the PG classification and gave inadequate consumer advice

No breach of clauses 2.3 [classification of films] or 2.20.2 [consumer advice for PG films] of the Commercial Industry TV Code of Practice 2010.


17 February 2016

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