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Illegal equipment

Mobile phone jammers, GPS jammers, or drone jammers and mobile phone boosters are illegal in Australia.

There are penalties if you break the rules.

Illegal equipment

The following equipment is illegal:

  • mobile phone jammers
  • GPS jammers 
  • wi-fi jammers
  • drone jammers 
  • mobile phone boosters.

Mobile phone jammers

You are not allowed to operate, supply, offer to supply, or have a mobile phone jammer. 

Under the rules, mobile phone jammers are called PMTS jamming equipment

This equipment causes interference to mobile phone signals. It can:

  • block access for people calling emergency services
  • interfere with other radio services
  • aid criminal and terrorist activities.

View the rules for mobile phone jammers in the Jamming Equipment Permanent Ban.

GPS jammers

You are not allowed to operate, supply, offer to supply, or have a GPS jammer.

Under the rules, GPS jammers are called RNSS jamming equipment.

This equipment causes interference to satellite navigation systems such as GPS signals. It can:

  • disrupt navigation systems that the police, ambulance and fire services use
  • pose a risk to other radio communication services.

View the rules for GPS jammers in the Jamming Equipment Permanent Ban.

Mobile phone boosters

You are not allowed to operate, supply or have a mobile phone booster.

A mobile phone booster boosts the signal of a phone. A mobile phone booster can: 

  • interfere with mobile networks signals
  • weaken network performance for other users.

View the rules for prohibiting mobile phone boosters in the Prohibition of Mobile Phone Boosters Declaration.

Wi-fi and drone jammers

You are not allowed to operate, supply, offer to supply, or have a wi-fi or drone jammer.

Under the rules, wi-fi and drone jammers are called RLAN and RPAS jamming equipment.

This equipment causes interference to wi-fi networks and drone communications systems. It can:

  • disrupt services relied upon by businesses and consumers
  • cause a drone to behave unpredictably, and potentially endanger property and peoples’ safety.

View the rules for wi-fi and drone jammers Jamming Equipment Permanent Ban.


Penalties for breaching the rules are serious. Offenders could get fines of over $1.6 million or up to 8 years in prison.

Report illegal equipment

If you are aware of anyone having or using illegal equipment, or you see someone selling it online, please report it to us. Using this illegal equipment can have life-threatening consequences.

You can:  

  • call the ACMA's customer service centre on 1300 850 115
  • email us at
  • write to us at:

Australian Communications and Media Authority

Attn: Monitoring and Compliance Section

PO Box 13112 Law Courts

Melbourne VIC 8010

When you contact us, tell us:

  • if you are experiencing any interference
  • the location of the illegal equipment
  • if you saw it online, send us the URL of the listing
  • any information about the person who has the equipment
  • your contact details.


Notice pursuant to subsection 172(3) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992

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Notice prepared pursuant to subsection 172(3) of the Radiocommunications Act 1992
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